Joy of Joys!! Benny has been so upset since the loss of his hat. It was certainly the most dramatic and painful thing that has happened to him in his 2 and a half years. He has nightmares about it (literally) and the wind- who blew his strawberry hat off- has become his enemy and he is always very concerned about other things (like me) blowing away.
The delight on this little boys face when he saw his new strawberry hat, but that's not all...
a tiny, tiny one for Lambie too!
It is a very, very old fashioned drapers shop and it is where I have to buy Rebe's school uniform from.
Today was an Endo-something day for me too (apart from the 25 mins I spent 'on hold' this morning trying to get through mountains of red tape grrr!)
This is a shop in our neighbouring village where Rebe goes to school.
Basically, there is a long counter, a few towels and pinnies, socks and table cloths and then the school uniforms out the back.
The back room looks as though it was some kind of tailors shop long ago. On a long table there is an old sewing machine with scissors still resting against it. Bobbins with threads on, needles and pin cushins and a sweet old iron are all still there where, whoever it was, left them after their last day's work.
It is truly like stepping back into the Ireland of old ( I really love it there and the little old lady who runs it - Mrs Harrington- is ever so sweet.)
While I was there buying Rebe her uniform in the summer, I spotted that in the back of the shop there were shelves and shelves of dusty old bags of wool. 'Oh I didn't know you sold wool' said I. Turns out she doesn't anymore, but still has a little old stock.
Since the summer I have been buying the odd ball of wool from her for small projects like Benny's pirate hat. What I like about her yarn the most is that nearly all of it is 100% wool (my yarn of choice).
This is because it is vintage yarn and has been lying about her shop for decades, the Blarney Woollen Mill ceased making wool in 1973!
Any of you that knit know that 100% wool yarn is difficult to get and is also rather expensive (I would pay about 3.50 euro for a 50g ball of the plainest, simplest wool) and she had shelves of it that she was selling cheap. After a bit of thought and plucking up the courage I made her an offer to take all of her odd balls off her hands for a hundred quid. It has taken her about 3 months to sort through it all, but today finally I went and got it...
It is mostly odd balls , perects for dolly sweaters and hats. And here and there there is enough for kiddies sweaters or a dress or longies. Here are some of my favourites...