Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a pirate hat

I finished Benny's new hat last night and it was waiting for him on the table this morning... Not a great picture but he wouldn't keep still ;-)
I made up the pattern by looking on ravelry to see what a typical number of stitches to cast on would be (89) then I drew the skull and cross bones on graph paper and counted the width of my pattern (45 stitches) and then I knitted it. I used vintage wool from the little shop in the village (I'm hoping to do a post about this soon). It came out ok, I looped the yarn at the back of the hat as there were enough ends to tie in as it was, however this has made the skull a bit 3d. But Benny seems pleased and at least he can now leave the house with a hat that's not pink!

Here's the man himself making his snack of choice at the moment: star toast with honey (and of course a cup of tea).

Aaaaa love it! Is it me or is this rainbow ending in my garden? I think it must be!


  1. The hat is so great!

    Sticky honey on 'everything' is a favourite snack here right now too :)

    You always seem to have a beautiful rainbow at the end of your garden lol such beauty, so uplifting:)
    Gina xxx

  2. Thanks guys :-) Gina, yes, when we moved here there were rainbows everyday, it must be the angle of the house, but hence the name for the blog and the shop. It makes me soooo happy! hugs x
