Wednesday, June 24, 2015

an infinite capacity for cake

 In this past week I have discovered that I have an infinite capacity for cake. There have been so many celebrations (most of them involving cake of at least one kind) and I have enjoyed each and every one of them...celebrations that is...and of course the cake!

Joa turned 5.
We didn't get to spend much of his day with him as he was at pre-school and then at his dad's house for the day, but we all got up early to sing to him and watch him open his presents. Then in the evening after I picked him up we had a surprise beach party for him with some of our friends from the village. We ate bbq sausages and treats and played together in the sand and the sea.and we had cake...

 Then a few days later his pre-school had a little graduation ceremony for the kids leaving to go to big school this year. The class performed a wee show, singing 'He's got the whole world in his hand' and dancing to 'Uptown Funk' which I thought was a hilarious mix and so very cool. Each child was congratulated in turn and then there was cake.

Rebe and Benny had a school celebration on the same day, they buried a time capsule and raised flags the school had won. It is a fantastic school and I am so happy that the kids go there. We got to look around the work they did this year...and there was cake.
medals rebe and benny won at sports day
rebe's letter to go into the time capsule

 And then it was Benny's Birthday.
I can't believe he is 7! I remember his baby snuggles like it was yesterday. We have been talking about 7 being a big age; the end of being a little boy and the beginning of being a big boy. It feels like a milestone of sorts.  We had a lovely day out at the Model Railway Village. Garry gave Benny a coin so that he could throw it into the pond to make a wish. He wished that he would have a Happy Birthday and at the end of the day he said that his wish had come true.

 After the little trains we went to the beach for an hour to try out the gift we gave him of snorikle (how Benny says it) and flippers...

 It was so awesome and then we had cake.

On Sunday it was Father's Day. Garry's first Father's Day so it was very special for him. The older kids were with Andy but they had left cards and gifts for him to open in the morning.

Ena's caul preserved: a gift from her to him.
After breakfast Garry, Ena and I went for a drive and we found our way to Drombeg Stone Circle. There was a beautiful strong, positive energy there. People were still there meditating for the solstice. It was so nice to take the time and quietly reflect on how lucky we are. How happy I am that Ena is here and how special my life is with these wonderful people in it.

Although all of these celebrations were lovely, it was pretty exhausting having them all in the same week. Making sure that each was marked in it's own way and that everyone felt special and celebrated. But now we can rest. Today the kids finish school for the summer: 9 glorious weeks of relaxation and rest, adventures and fun....and probably a few more slices of cake :-)

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