Sunday, January 10, 2016

not dolls...

Even though I took all of December off from making dolls, I didn't of course stop making things.
I have really enjoyed being free to make what I wanted to without feeling guilty that I should be working on people's orders. I am going to try and balance that a bit more this year: doll making and making other things including some more clothes for the kids.
Anyway here are a few of the projects that I worked on...

 A knitted robin, I've had this pattern for several years and never made the time to knit it. There is a little nest to make too and 3 tiny eggs that tuck under the tail feathers.
Poor Ena, I have been hankering to knit rainbow dungarees for a long time, too and had the yarn for ages. It is a drops recycled cotton and I love the colours. I made them very bloomer-y and I hope that they will grow with her.
Around Christmas time we watched Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium In it there is a little sad sock monkey who sits on a shelf and every time anyone walks past him he holds out his arms for a hug. Well it broke Joa's heart and he asked me to make him one. I was surprised how quick it was, I found a pattern online and made him out of 3 old socks. Rebe and I had fun for several days afterwards making him clothes, she made the trousers for him and I knitted his jumper and hat.
 Today, because he needs them, I made Joa a matching pair of trousers complete with 'peekers' another long time request.

The kids are always busy making things too and I am really enjoying listening and watching them play at the moment with what they make.
Benny made an I-pad out of kinetic sand
Rebe made a mask out of an old cereal box

They have made themselves a wonderful minecraft handbook to help them should they ever get a minecraft game

Friday, January 8, 2016


painted 1st January 2016
 I have started this year feeling so good. I feel excited and very optimistic about the coming year.
 Last year had some big changes in it: Ena arrived, Garry went back to work, Joa started school and although we have taken all of these changes in our stride, and none of them have been anything but good and positive, change takes time. Adjustment to a new way of being.
But I feel we have now done this, we have learned our new grooves and we are heading into the new year in a safe and happy place.
I feel very strongly that this year will be a year of abundance for us. I feel the universe is going to shower us with everything that we need and more.
Don't get me wrong though, I don't anticipate that life is somehow going to be on hold, I am sure that this year will also bring new challenges and changes. in fact the first card I drew from my 'Crazy, Sexy Love Notes' (a gift to myself for the new year) is this one...
and the last sentence on the flipside:
'The universe always has your back'
Which has been my mantra for several years now.
So, you are welcome 2016 with everything that you bring, and for all of it we are grateful!