Today is Rebe's last day of school before a gloriously long summer holiday (oh boy I can't wait). These last few days we have spent some time getting ready for the last day...

In her quiet time, when the boys are in bed, Rebe and I have been working on a Mr Murphy doll that she wanted to make for him as a gift. I have also gotten mugs printed with the picture she drew of him (and another of the teaching assistant) as a thank you gift.
For Rebe the end of this year is bitter sweet, she's excited about having time off and she's excited about becoming a Senior Infant, but she told me she is sad she won't be a Junior anymore, she will miss her teacher. I'm so glad it has ben such a fun and happy time for her and that school is working so well for her :-)
We have also been...
...eating peas straight from the plant
...swinging, oh lots of swinging. Bubs and Man gave Joa this great swing for his Birthday (you can see how much he loves it).
...finding odd Tiger bird chicks, who have gotten lost and have no mother or father or owner and who have built a nest in the tire swing.
We have also been...
I have finally found a great solution to the chopping problem. My kids (and I'm sure all kids) really want to help in the kitchen and I love them to help, but we have had the old 'sharp knife' dilema for years... you know, blunt knives don't chop and sharp knives chop things they aren't meant to. Anyway, I found these and they work brilliantly, they aren't sharp and yet they chop even raw carrots :-)
...Rebe's been collecting bugs and marking them off in her book, and when they are not in her book she's adding them to the back herself.
Most normal people call them frozen smoothies, or cool pops or such like. The kids have always enjoyed these, but have found holding them too cold. All my napkins and tea towels were used as protection for their little hands to stop them from getting too cold. I came across this great idea, and we decided to make our own buba holders. Benny picked his fabric (an old felted wool sweater) and we sewed on a button (to make it glamorous) and then machined the sides. It works brilliantly and Benny is oh so proud of his sewing.
Now we welcome the break from school and I hope we will also get some much longed for spells of warm sunshine.
hugs x