Wednesday, October 17, 2012

weekend walk...

...and other bits a pieces...

Life here this week has been pretty up and down for me. I have had a difficult few days as have the kids. I just feel like I am too busy. I feel like I'm not getting a chance to be at home. I really want to slow down, to stop....I think I need a holiday. And I think the kids need it too.

I know that for some families it is really normal being on the road most of the day, but it's not for us and I'm finding it hard to juggle endless appointments, the never ending school runs, meetings and play dates. There seems to be no time to just be

But next week should be more normal again, I don't have lots of extra appointments (boo hiss to having to go to the dentist!) and I am just going to say no to any extra invites to coffee or such.
(TV is over kids prefer the oven. We have a new oven with a glass door and they like sitting there warming their feet watching bread or cakes baking...well who wouldn't!)

 So, I haven't been in the blogging zone, have had nothing much to report or write about,
 spending my energies on mothering as best I can. Trying to hear what my cross little girl is saying (and yesterday I heard her, truly heard her...she's saying: mummy I WANT YOU!) So I am re-juggling my me time, to give her the time she also needs.
 I am glad I heard her, perhaps now she can stop shouting!
 I am really ready to reconnect with her, a time when I know she needs to feel our connection, and there is nothing else that will do but my undivided attention. Time without the boys, or chores or knitting or dolls. Time just being with her. We're planning Tuesday evenings and Friday afternoons and I am looking forward to it and I know she is too.
Wow, I didn't realise how much I needed to say that, it just came out...

but talking of quality time we had all of Saturday to ourselves, not swapping between Andy's house and here, no school, no shopping... so we took ourselves off for a gorgeous walk along the beach...

 Oh oh oh, I got something so lovely yesterday in the post I just have to share:
 Look at this delicious parcel all for me :-)
 plant dyed pure wool yarn. Not sure what I am going to knit yet, but I am inclined towards a vest for myself.
Also these gorgeous organic cotton knit fabrics in just my colours, I am thinking wide legged yoga pants and perhaps a skirt or dress (oh thank you thank you Anna!)

Gosh, it seems like this is a pretty moan-y post, but rest assured that I am doing all I can to keep grounded. I am eating well, sleeping well and trying to meditate every day. This mindfulness body-scan is so lovely and I love the guy who is doing it and I am finding it is making a real difference to my whole being.
hugs x


  1. Sounds like you're taking steps to improve your happiness anyway xx

  2. you're so welcome honey! I was really struggling what to do with this yarn, so beautiful colours and from my very favourite organic shepherd community (I told you it's from sheeps and made from/in Allgäu?) - but then it simply didn't want to come out to me, every attempt ended in vain. Now I'm so happy that I could give it to you - I wouldn't have been able to give it to anyone else. Maybe the yarn wanted to go to you right from the beginning :) xxx
