Friday, September 17, 2010

at home with the boys

Well, we may well be slowly finding our feet. I got through all my chores this week, we saw lots of friends and went to playgroup. We did home work and made scones... so this morning I have been able to just sit back and enjoy being at home with my boys... beads
a bit of cheek worship

We've put the high chair up at the table so Joshua can sit in it (very propped up) while we are eating. I'd say it's an improvement on sitting on my knee getting covered in my dinner!

We've played with the duplo

can't just just hear the brrrrrrmmmmmm noise?

As the weather is just glorious again we decided to go and see if we could pick a last few blackberries.

But silly me, I let Benny carry the bowl and this is what was left when we got home...

Happy weekend all!


  1. Aw, this reminds me of my times when I am at home with my own boys! "Boy time" sure ends up kind of different than "girl time!"
    I love Joshua's sweater, and I love the seat you have for him at the table! Ezri isn't holding himself up enough just yet for that, so he sits propped on my knee and well, getting food all over him. . .
    So funny- Benny eating all the berries!
    Have a great weekend, Laura!

  2. There is nothing better than cheek time. Looks like Ezri loves it too.
