Thursday, June 24, 2010

1 week old

I can't believe this little boy has been here for a week already. Although it seems like he's been here forever too. He's doing really great, his little face has taken on it's normal shape; all the swelling, bruising and shape shifting from the birth has gone (and by golly is he handsome). He is peeling all over bless him because he was so well cooked so I'm rubbing him with calendula oil as often as possible. He's feeding like a devil and is obviously delighted that our milk has come in. I think he was waiting for it. His first couple of days he's been quite windy and I gave him fennel tea between feeds to help with the wind. It really has helped and we're down to one dose a day and I'm sure in a couple of days he won't need it at all.
He sleeps really quite well and is finding his little rhythm.

Rebe and Benny are really taken with him. Benny wants to hold him all the time and whenever he sees him he goes over to him and says 'hawow doa' (hello Joshua) in a really sweet high pitched little voice. Rebe draws him lots of pictures and likes to tell people about him.

Love this wee man (did I mention that already?)

Today I finished the present I want to give to my midwife (the real one not Andy). At all of my pre and post natal checks her son has been with her. He is a lovely little lad of 2 1/2 and knows his stuff. He helps out and knows what each piece of her equipment is for, however as she only has one of each thing there is sometimes a bit of a tussle over who is going to hold and operate what. So, I thought I would make him his own little midwife's kit that is a copy of what his mummy has...
a stethoscope

here is Rebe modeling it.

a blood pressure gauge

and a doppler
being used on my slightly flatter tummy.

I'm really pleased how they all came out. I am going to buy a little black bag to put them all in (like his mummy's). I hope he'll like them and I am also hoping that they might mean his mummy gets a bit of a break from worrying about her own equipment being broken.
Now I can get on with a bit of knitting (between breastfeeds that is).


  1. I love the midwife set. I bet both son and mother were bowled over by such a thoughtful gift. Very clever. Joshua looks so peaceful and beautiful, especially in the first photo.

  2. Oh, Joshua is such a sweet and handsome and chubby boy! His look reminds me a lot of Asa as a newborn. :) And Asa also peeled a ton!
    I love the idea for the gift for your midwife and her "partner." I am sure they'll love it! It came out wonderfully!
    Love that dress Rebe is wearing.

  3. I adore the picture of your 3 children. They look so blissful and like they were and are meant to be together forever.

  4. Hi Cheryl, I hope they like it too. I'm expecting them to visit in the week and will give it to them then. I hope he comes with her so that I can see his reaction. Will let you know what happens!
    Hi Melanie: I hope my little Asa will grow up to be as lovely and as sweet as yours! I love Rebe's dress too. My mum made it for her, it's pure Shirley Hughes and Rebe loves it!
    Liz: That is such a sweet thing to say and I wish for them that they do share this love for each other forever and they they will have each other to rely on forever more.
