Tuesday, March 1, 2011

making me happy...

spring time is here and it's making me happy :-) daffodils in the garden
exploring grass for the first time

beautiful scene from the bottom of the garden

pots being sunk awaiting planting

someone helping me peg out the nappies on the line

Rebe sneaking off indoors making up cake recipes

fabulous pirate ships
What is making you happy?


  1. Mini daffodils interspersed with bright indigo wood anemones that I planted in the winter.

    A bank planted with strawberries... the anticipation of their fruit, and that of the currants, raspberries, goji berries that we have planted.

    Two batches of cupcakes fresh out of the over - one chocolate, one vanilla made to celebrate my baby girl's first birthday tomorrow.

    The wonderful spring issue of rhythm of the home just out http://rhythmofthehome.com

    A fire circle in our garden. Our own literal circle of stones which we gathered at the local strand and then toasted marshmallows on the bonfire.

    writing, writing, writing - and I LOVE the new look on my blog- so light and springy- I keep reading it and staring at it myself - am dead chuffed! http://dreamingaloudnet.blogspot.com

  2. oh, I can't believe the little lady is 1 tomorrow. Happy Birthday baby Ash :-) Blog is looking fab Lucy x

  3. We still have about three feet of snow in my part of the world. However, March is usually the very beginning of spring and that makes me feel happy! Ice skating with the little ones and going out for hot chocolate afterward made me happy today. Now they are snuggled together in bed and it is grownup hour. Pretty exciting!
    Happy Happy Happy.

    P.S. You have a beautiful spot there.

  4. Oh dear, this is where it gets dangerous for me to be reading blogs- we are a good 2 months away from daffodils! But yours look lovely, and that pic of baby hands in the grass is so very sweet. There is still lots to be happy about over here- a tall woodpile, knitting by the fire, snuggling under wool blankets. I'll be writing about daffodils in May!

  5. Oh, my. laura you really do have Spring! Here I am just dreaming about it- we have about 6 weeks until our daffodils arrive! But we'll be watching for their little green shoots later this month! And I am happy even though we have a foot of snow still, because it is March and spring is around the corner!
    Making me happy:
    the SUN is shining!

    Love to you Laura!
