Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Roald Dahl Dinner

Just after Christmas my dearest friend came to visit us and she gifted us this book, which we just love! We thought that we would have a Roald Dahl dinner and make our main course, pudding and a drink from the book. Rebe also had the genius idea of getting dressed up as characters from his books, so she set about with paper, cardboard and glue to make us all our costumes...
Rebe was Sophie from the BFG, complete with cardboard glasses and her nightie. Benny was the fantastic Mr Fox

And of course Andy and I were the Twits.
I didn't manage to get a picture of us in our costumes. I had a cardboard walking stick and Andy had this really great beard...

Here is Benny modeling it, the dots are flecks of food he always has in his beard.
In the afternoon (after I had taken all those bags to the charity shop, well done me :-) ) we set about cooking our feast.

Benny is great at peeling the carrots.

Rebe's trusty goggles allowed her to deal with the onions.
We made...

Bean's Apple Cider
(really delicious, will be so lovely warm in the winter)

Bogis's Chicken
(Now this smelled just divine while cooking, but it was a lot of faffing and ended up being very bland)
Wonka's Whipplescrumptious fudgemallow delight
(The sauce was scrummy, but no-one really liked the marshmallows and it was very rich).
It was a great dinner, although we didn't really like the food, this was one of those 'process rather than product' moments! I am going to convert left overs into; Bogis's chicken pie, Beans' apple cider ice lollies and
Wonka's fudge brownies...let's hope we like these more!
Now I'm off to hide my glass eye in Andy's beer!


  1. Oh gosh, you guys are SO fun! Rebe is so incredibly clever and imaginative: she'll blow 'em all away in school!

  2. What a fun day. I would have loved to have heard all the laughter.
